Green Tea with Gojiberry Loose Leaf Teas 1 to 5 Pound Bags: 5 pound

Green Tea with Gojiberry Loose Leaf Teas 1 to 5 Pound Bags
$119.90 each
Bag Size

Green Tea with Gojiberry Loose Leaf Teas 1 to 5 Pound Bags

Product Name:  Gojiberry with Green Tea

Origin: Green Tea

Flavor: Lemongrass and Gojiberry

Description:Green tea blended with lemongrass and gojiberry. Great hot and outstanding over ice.

We begin with a black tea blend for black and Gunpowder for green, and flavor it with flavoring extracts. Please specify Green when ordering. Additional tea flavors, as well as custom blended tea, are available.

Brand: Buffalo Buck's Coffee House- micro coffee roasters

TEA does a body good. "It's also calorie-free if you don't add milk or a sweetener like sugar or honey," says Diane L. McKay, PhD, an assistant professor of nutrition at the Tufts University Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy in Boston. Check out the myriad benefits of that mug:

Your brain: A cup of tea doesn't just make you more productive at the office (one study showed that tea drinkers have improved accuracy and attention when switching between tasks). It may also ward off Parkinson's disease and slow the progression of Alzheimer's.

Your bones: Studies indicate that phytochemicals in tea, such as flavonoids, may protect against bone loss: Regular tea drinkers have higher bone density than non-tea drinkers.

Your heart: A study of more than 40,000 adults found that women who drank five or more cups of green tea a day had a 31 percent lower risk of death from heart disease than those who downed less than one. Other research linked black tea to lower LDL cholesterol.

Your skin: EGCG, the main polyphenol in green tea, has anticancer properties that may prevent the development of skin tumors. In an animal study, green-tea extracts reduced the severity of exposure to UV radiation.

Did you know? Green tea contains metabolism-revving caffeine plus the potent antioxidant EGCG, which activates the sympathetic nervous system to encourage fat burning. In one study, exercisers blasted more fat during a half-hour workout when they consumed tea beforehand. In addition, there is evidence that tea may decrease fat absorption and contribute to weight loss. "Tea is a safe, effective way to increase calorie burn and the release of fat from your fat stores," says Paul Arciero, PhD, the director of the Human Nutrition and Metabolism Laboratory at Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs, New York. Try one or two cups of green, black, or oolong tea -- iced, if you prefer -- 30 minutes before you sweat. Source- Fitness Magazine


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We generally roast and ship the same day that you place the order. You can track your package in your ebay or Paypal shipping area for easy convienence. When tracking has been posted it is then up to the post office to ship to you on time! Packages are shipped Priority Mail.


Here at Buffalo Bucks Coffee House we love our customers to be 100% saisfied with our products! We offer a 14 day return policy from when it arrives at your door. Buyer is responsible for return shipping cost and please be sure to add tracking to the item so you know it arrives.


We do ship International! Shipping cost is Calculated by weight and destination.


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